React component tree

React Server Components, Next.js 13, and the Shifting Terrain of Web Development

React server components are a new(ish) feature in React allowing developers to render React components on the server and send them to the client as a formatted response that renders them into HTML. This is a change in approach from the traditional React method of client-side rendering where the server would send a blank HTML …

Abstract ruby light rays

Say No to Repetitive Code with Endless Methods and Implicit Hash Values in Ruby

New Features that We Love Are you tired of writing the same repetitive code over and over again? Say hello to Ruby’s new quality of life improvements! With the release of Ruby 3 came endless methods and with 3.1 implicit hash values, two features that have quickly become favorites among our team. In this blog …

Ruby in shadows

No More Refreshing! – Intro to WebSockets and ActionCable in Rails

WebSockets and ActionCable Overview Have you ever been on a website that you had to keep reloading just to get new information? It can be frustrating, right? Well, WebSockets can fix that! They’re a technology that allows websites to communicate with a server in real-time, so updates can be pushed to your screen as soon …

I have a problem – will a code change fix it?

Startups have lots of ideas for new features for their website or application – and usually want a code change to be implemented immediately. Even in the most efficient agile team, a code change takes a sprint to deploy, which is usually 2 weeks. By that time, lots of startups have moved on to the …

How a Developer Should Approach Problem Solving

Most developers have had the experience of struggling with something all day, leaving work frustrated, and then solving it in the first five minutes of the next day. This is a perfect example of using focused and diffuse thinking to solve a problem.  Focused thinking is what the developer utilized when they were working on …