Join us in shaping the future of Accountable Care

Our Mission

Brewer Digital is committed to solving real-world healthcare challenges through innovation. Our team is passionate about learning, building, and improving healthcare. Our mission is focused on understanding the unique challenges and opportunities within Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) and your insights as a leader are invaluable to guiding our efforts. 

Why Your Insight Matters

Your perspective drives innovation. As an ACO leader, you possess insights into the operational, data, and patient care challenges facing your organization. By sharing your experiences, you not only influence the development of solutions tailored to your real-world needs but also gain early access to technologies designed with your input in mind. Together, we can create a future where technology and healthcare integrate to enhance patient outcomes and operational efficiency.

The Interview Process

Efficient, insightful, and valuable. We respect your time and commitment. That’s why we’ve designed a concise, 15-minute interview process to learn about:

  • Your most pressing operational and data challenges.
  • Opportunities you see for technological innovation in ACOs.
  • Your vision for the future of patient care within the ACO and VBC landscape.

Expect a focused conversation that respects your time and values your expertise.

Secure Your Spot at the Table

Scheduling your interview is easy. Use the form below to select a time that works best for you, and let’s start a conversation that could help shape the future of accountable care. Prefer to talk now? Call or text 720-468-0239 to initiate a chat with our team.

VivoCare app screenshots

Previous Research led to an Award Winning Patient-Engagement Application

We built a FHIR-compliant, open-source patient portal that you can use as a foundation to build your mobile application.


What is the purpose of the interview?

The interview aims to gather insights from ACO Directors like yourself about the challenges and opportunities in integrating data and automating processes within ACOs. Your expertise will guide us in developing solutions that truly address the needs of healthcare organizations.

How long will the interview take?

We value your time. The interview will be concise and impactful, lasting no more than 15 minutes. We aim to gather significant insights within this timeframe without disrupting your busy schedule.

What will be discussed during the interview?

We’ll discuss key challenges your ACO faces, particularly around data integration and process automation, your experiences with technology solutions, and your vision for the future of ACOs. The conversation will be tailored to your expertise and interests.

How will my insights be used?

Your insights will directly inform the development of Brewer Digital’s solutions for ACOs. They will help us understand the critical issues facing ACOs and ensure our technology addresses real-world needs. We’re committed to transparency and will share how contributions like yours shape our work.

Will my information and insights remain confidential?

Absolutely. We take privacy and confidentiality seriously. Any information shared during the interview will be used solely for the purpose of improving our solutions. If we wish to use any of your insights for broader purposes, we will obtain your explicit consent beforehand.

Do I need to prepare anything for the interview?

No preparation is necessary. However, we encourage you to think about the main challenges your ACO is facing, any unsuccessful attempts at solving these issues, and what you envision as the ideal solution. This will help us have a productive and insightful conversation.

How do I schedule the interview?

Booking your interview is simple. Use the scheduling tool on this page to select a time that works best for you. If you encounter any issues or have specific scheduling needs, please contact us directly at or (720) 468-0239.

What happens after the interview?

Following the interview, we’ll compile the insights gathered and use them to guide our solution development process. We’ll also keep you updated on how your input is making a difference and may reach out for follow-up questions or to share progress updates. Your involvement is the beginning of a collaborative effort to enhance ACO outcomes.