Data Engineering

They say data is the new oil. Unleash the power of your data with experienced, business-savvy US-based Data Engineering services. We can help you find the best ways to uncover hidden value in all your information assets, from brand-new insights and untapped opportunities for growth to the extreme operational efficiencies enabled by the best business process automation tools and AI models.

Whether you need to eliminate time wasted on duplicated effort, track up-to-the-minute critical KPIs on a dashboard, see the real-time locations of assets, or reveal unexpected patterns on an interactive map, enable your employees and customers to serve themselves with quickly launched web and mobile data access apps, extract 3D digital twins from LiDAR, drone and satellite imagery, or validate, convert, cleanse and blend data from multiple sources to multiple destinations regardless of the various technologies and formats involved, you can leverage our data engineering knowledge and experience to move your business forward.

We provide an ROI analysis with each quote, ensuring you receive a cutting-edge solution and a clear understanding of the value it brings to your business.

"Kevin’s approach had never been attempted before…and has given my company unique capabilities far above anything else out there for detailed mapping of land/lease information via software as a service."
Robert White
Robert White
CEO, Whitestar Corporation


Data Engineering

Designing, building, and maintaining robust data infrastructure and pipelines to enable efficient data capture, validation, cleansing, processing, storage, migration, and analysis.

Application and Data Integration

Combining different applications and data sources to ensure seamless data flow and functionality between them, often across an entire organization, using tools and frameworks such as FME that can handle data of every kind and scale, including Big Data and parallel processing.

Data Preparation

Preparing unclean, biased, or otherwise raw data so that it can safely and reliably be used by analytics processes, dashboards, and AI/ML models to produce the most accurate results.

Enterprise-wide Data and Integration Architecture

Designing a flexible, modular, intelligible, maintainable, and cost-effective architecture for your business’s data processing and services backbone.

“Kevin communicated clearly the challenges, advantages, and pitfalls of particular approaches…” – Robert White, CEO, Whitestar Corporation

Data Self-Service

  • Quickly standing up simple apps for authorized users to select, access, and display large datasets without manual delivery labor.
  • Craft custom web and/or mobile applications for more advanced, complex self-service use cases.

Business Process Automation

Streamlining labor-intensive processes by automating them using tools, frameworks, and AI models to enable and accelerate the production of scalable, intelligible and maintainable solutions.

Consulting or Developing with specific technologies

Expertise in various data technologies such as FME, Geographic Information Systems, Computer-Aided Design, Building Information Management, AR/VR, LiDAR and Point Clouds, satellite and drone imagery, Python, Jupyter, NumPy, Pandas, GeoPandas, Scikit-learn, TensorFlow, PyTorch, AWS, and more, providing specialized development and implementation services.


Implementing DataOps practices (akin to DevOps, but for data) to streamline data management, processing, testing, and deployment, enhancing collaboration and automation across teams.

Real-time Data Processing

Excel in real-time data processing from mobile devices, GPS, sensors, medical or health-tracking devices, or Internet of Things nodes, enabling your organization to make instant, data-driven decisions in dynamic environments.

AI Integration

Seamlessly integrate AI capabilities into your data infrastructure, unlocking predictive and prescriptive analytics for enhanced decision support, plus generative models for creative, specialized, and personalized content.

Data Analytics and Business Intelligence

Leveraging data to derive actionable insights, develop data visualizations, and build business intelligence solutions to support informed decision-making.


Containerizing data processing infrastructure components and pipelines using technologies like Docker and Kubernetes to enable efficient deployment, scalability, and management of data management environments.

Maintenance & Monitoring

Regular maintenance and proactive monitoring of data pipelines and processing infrastructure to ensure optimal performance and address any issues promptly.


Diagnosing and correcting functional and performance problems within various systems such as databases, data warehouses, data lakes, networks, ETL/ELT pipelines, and integrations.

" Kevin managed expectations, didn’t overcommit, and consistently delivered on time."
Dewayne Korth
Dewayne Korth
Senior Application Architect
at BLUEFIN/Mantis Innovation

Case Studies

Application and software developers in Denver.

Medical Home Network

We analyzed MHN’s data management infrastructure, then advised and designed some specific improvements to enable them to more quickly integrate with new providers and accountable care organizations while maintaining high data quality standards.  Our designs and recommendations included:

  • A framework for automated testing and deployment of data pipelines and scripts
  • A more reliable Python package dependency management system
  • Safe SQL and Python upgrade paths
  • Some architectural changes to improve intelligibility and maintainability
  • Tooling to support the quick integration and use of spatial and other kinds of data to support a more comprehensive understanding of their patient population
  • Opportunities to improve productivity using AI and Domain-Specific Languages without significant staffing increases
  • Streamlined data schema versioning and migration tools


We partnered with Whitestar to design, build, field and monitor several geospatial data services, including a legal land description mapper and a system of data marts. This allowed their subscribers to access and map data from Whitestar’s vast datasets in any desired format, using apps and APIs, without requiring any labor on the part of their internal staff.

  • Freed Whitestar staff of the need to manually serve their customers for routine requests
  • Successfully automated the slicing, dicing, merging, and mapping of land lease contract legal descriptions–an industry first–with a mere fraction of the investment of previously failed attempts by others

Whitestar Logo
Mantis Innovation Logo

BLUEFIN/Mantis Innovation

We partnered with BLUEFIN (later acquired by Mantis Innovation) to automate a key business process involving the conversion of maps into a catalog of CAD engineering drawings. This allowed staff from different departments to share data, while doing their work using the tools most familiar and suited to each.

  • Freed BLUEFIN staff of the need to manually redraw the contents of the maps one department produces into the engineering drawings a downstream department uses to do its work.
  • Eliminated the chances for copy errors inherent in any manual conversion process.
  • Conversion triggered merely by dropping map files into a cloud-hosted folder.